Cranio Creations Digital and Studio Clangore have begun a Kickstarter campaign for a Steam port of the Lorenzo il Magnifico. You can check out the Kickstarter page here. The project had a comically low goal of a little over $2,200, but sailed past that with ease, currently sitting about 10x that number. The campaign offers a way to get the game at a 40% discount if you pledge of a slight more expensive option which will get you Kickstater exclusive cards for the physical game. You can also get your custom painted avatar in the final release if you want to shell out big bucks.
Lorenzo il Magnifico is a worker placement game with die rolls helping dictate which actions are available to you. The game is a few years old, releasing in 2016, and comes highly regarded, sitting at 121 on BGG's top games list. Members of the design team are responsible for games such as Tzolk'in, The Voyages of Marco Polo, and Grand Austria Hotel. So we're talking heavy Euro here.
In the game players take on the role of the head of a noble Italian family during the renaissance. Your goal is to gain the most victory points through prestige and fame. Like any good Euro VP-based game, there are plenty of different routes you can take to earning them, and the board will be wide open for you to make those choices, if those pesky dice are nice to you.
The game must be far along in the development process as the expected delivery date is July 2019. This will be a quick turnaround for backers, which is always nice to see.
The full press release can be found below:
Milano, March 1st 2019
Florence, the cradle of Italian Renaissance. The city is ex-periencing an unprecedented economic and cultural flour-ishing: will your family prevail and control the city?
Lorenzo il Magnifico is a worker placement game, using three dice value to determine the strength of player’s workers. Each game runs for three eras, and each era runs for two rounds. During each round, you will move your family members through the narrow streets of Florence to acquire new territories, buildings and heroes, to complete quests or to work in your domains and gain resources. Send them to visit the Market in order to acquire coins, servants, military power or privileges from the city council.
But your clever plan could be screwed up by the Pope! Each player must pay the required amount of Faith in order to avoid excommunication... or pay a terrible price!
After the sixth round, player tally their victory points and the winner will be the Signore di Firenze!
The digital edition of Lorenzo il Magnifico will bring new, exciting features to the original board game:
- Reworked and enhanced player boards.
- Fast and downtime-free gameplay.
- User friendly and enhanced game experience.
- A set of promo Leader cards included