Upcoming Releases – GenCon Update

By Chris / August 23, 2017

Coming soon to a mobile device near you!

This is the latest installment of our feature covering what games are currently in development and any details we know after a slew of exciting announcements at GenCon '17. Upcoming Releases are an inexact science as often publishers or developers don’t officially announce a game until shortly before its release. Sometimes when the news does get out earlier, the details are scarce, if not completely non-existent.  Be sure to check out our upcoming game database for a quick overview of games currently in development.  Click on the images to purchase the board games. 


Terraforming Mars



Release Date



Asmodee Digital

Whoa.  The big news first.  Terraforming Mars is the insanely popular 2016 release from Stronghold Games.  It currently sits at #7 on BoardGameGeek's game list.  That Asmodee Digital is publishing the game is a great sign.  Terraforming Mars was nominated for the Kennerspiel des Jarhes this year, showing the respect it garnered from the gaming community.  The game puts you in charge of terraforming Mars, of course.  This is done through a system of card drafting and tile placement.  The game sits on the heavier side of what we usually see get ported to app form, but we are certainly excited to see how the port is handled.  

Roll for the Galaxy


Android & iOS

Release Date



Temple Gate Games

Roll for the Galaxy is the popular dice variant of Race for the Galaxy.  For many, Roll has outright replaced Race since its release in 2014.  The app will be handled by the same developers who delivered the fantastic Race app earlier this year.  This is great news and we expect the app version of Roll will be every bit its equal.

Ticket to Ride: First Journey


Android and iOS

Release Date

Q3 2017


Asmodee Digital

Ticket to Ride: First Journey is a version of TTR aimed at younger audiences.  The game made its debut in 2016 and simplifies things from the original and is recommended for children as young as 6 to help get them hooked on board games.  It is nice to see options like this popping up in the app world to give parents more interesting alternatives to some of the other apps aimed at this age group. 

Mille Bornes


Android & iOS

Release Date

Q4 2017


Asmodee Digital

Mille Bornes is a famous card game dating back to the 1950s.  Players take control of race cars attempting to complete a 1000km trek while dealing with various hazards along the way.  I have played Mille Bornes, but it has been quite a while so the details are a bit fuzzy.  It will be fun to see an official adaptation hit the app stores later this year.




Release Date



Knights of Unity

We had a previous update on Scythe a while back.  The new news to report from GenCon is that the game will be published by Asmodee Digital.  This is great news, Asmodee Digital always makes sure a polished product hits the app stores.  The concerning part of the update for mobile users is that there now appears to be conflicting information as to which platforms the game will be released on.  There doesn't appear to be any official announcement release from Asmodee themselves, but it has been reported that the game was billed as a Steam release at GenCon.  However, the official Twitter account for the app gave a RT after the news surge to a FAQ about the app, and it states PC, iOS, and Android.  Stay tuned on this one, we will update when we know more.  Update: We have the official announcement from Asmodee on this one, and it lists it as a Steam-only release.  We do know that Knights of Unity are still developing the game and the release date is slated for 2018.

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