Below is our running, ever-updating board game app database. This list is meant to be comprehensive, if we have any errors please contact us so we can correct them. The table has download links to the iOS and Android versions. If one of these two columns is blank, it means the game isn't available on that platform. We intend to review as many of these as possible over time, check out our review database to get an overview of the features for the growing list of games we have reviewed, and check out individual reviews for an in-depth look into the games.
Before we go any further, we have to thank Suzanne for all of the work she has done maintaining her list. We always wanted to create the most complete experience for our users and a current list of absolutely everything available was always on our wishlist. If you've searched out something along those lines before, you've probably come across her Google Doc on the matter pretty quickly. Her list was invaluable as a starting point for us creating this database, we just wanted to share our thanks to her here. You can find Suzanne on Twitter @425suzanne.
A couple of notes on the columns:
- Release Year was requested by readers to help quickly find new releases. We aren't going to go back through all of the old games to look up their original dates, but we have marked new games from 2017 and 2018, and will continue to do this as new games are added. This will allow you to sort quickly for recent releases.
- BGG Rank is the rank of any game which lands in the top 500 on Board Game Geek's overall game list. Note that these were the rankings at the time of this list being updated or the game being added. If a game ranked 47 when we added it and later got bumped down to 49, we probably won't update it on this list. What's the difference between 47 and 49, anyway? The intent is to let users find highly acclaimed games.
We will keep this list updated as new games are being released.
(Any App Store links with an * are only available for 32-bit devices, which means they won't be available on any relatively new Apple devices)