Upcoming Games

This is your source for the latest breaking news about upcoming board game apps that are currently in development.  Whenever a game in announced or details leaked on social media, we will make sure this page gets the most recent news about which of your favorite board games are coming to mobile devices and when.  This is very much an inexact science as games are often not officially announced until immediately before their release, but we will keep everything updated with any news that does come out.

Our table below will give a brief overview on the state of a game port and if we've previously featured a game in one of our regular "Upcoming Release" columns you will find a link with more information.  A description of what each column means can be found below the table.

GameAndroidiOSETA/StatusLatest UpdateApp DeveloperGame Publisher
Bang!YYBeta TestingUpdateAsmodee DigitaldV Giochi
Brass BirminghamYYSteam Early AccessPhalanxRoxley Games
ChaiYYJust TeasedDigidicedSteeped Games
Codenames???UpdateCGE DigitalCzech Games Edition
DominionYY2022Beta testingTemple Gates GamesRio Grande
Fleet: The Dice GameY?Y?2022Official Announcement Soon
Labyrinth: The War on Terror 2001 - ?YY2020Out on Steam, mobile this summerPlaydekGMT Games
Linko!YY2021Outline DevelopmentRavensburger
Mansions of Madness??"Coming Soon...:Asmodee Digital
Munchkin??Out on consoles and SteamUpdateAsmodee DigitalSteve Jackson Games
The NetworksYY2023Wheeler GamesFormal Ferret Games
Quacks of Quendlinburg2022Outline DevelopmentNorth Star Games
Quartermaster General???Nothing in a whileGriggling Games

    Android:  Is this game believed to be coming to Android devices

    iOS:  Is this game believed to be coming to iOS devices

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    ETA/Status:  An estimated release date, if available, or a brief update on the latest in the development process

    Latest Update:  A link to our feature containing the latest information, if we've done one (if not, check back soon!)

    App Developer:  Company or individual writing the app

    Game Publisher:  Company who published the physical board game

Note that there will be many ?s on this table because information is often difficult to come by for games in development.  Check our update links to get the latest news, and check back regularly as we'll update this page as soon as we find out more.